What does the name Mu'hammad mean? And are Mu’hammadans equivalent to Muslims?
The name Mu’hammad means praised one, and it also means a person with many good manners. The germination in the name (the double m) reflects that the quality is eminent.
Despite the deep respect and the unprecedented love Muslims have for Prophet Mu’hammad, Muslims are not comfortable being called Mu’ammadans; they consider him only a Prophet, not a God. They follow the message God sent him with, so they prefer to be named after the message itself. Prophet Mu’hammad himself warned his followers of deifying him.
When mentioning his name, Muslism always say, “peace be upon him” or “peace and blessing of Allaah be upon him to show their deep love for him. In a nutshell, “our reverence is to God. And our reference is to [Muhammad]” as Najah Bazzy, an American Muslim says.