In Depth
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- Written by: Aisha Stacey
- Category: IN DEPTH
- Hits: 7468
“Read in the name of your Lord Who has created, He has created man from a clot of blood. Read and your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught by the pen, He has taught man that which he knew not.” (The Holy ’Qura~n, Chapter of Al‘ala’q, verses 1-5)
These are the first words of ’Qura~n revealed to Prophet Mu’hammad (May Allaah’s peace and blessings be upon him). They began a tradition that became embedded in Islaam. Read, seek knowledge, and know your Creator.
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- Written by: Teresa Lesher
- Category: IN DEPTH
- Hits: 6682
Globalisation is generally seen as an economic movement -a worldwide process of homogenising prices, products, wages, rates of interest and profits-whichdependsonthemovement of commodities, money, information and labor around the globe.
More generally, globalisation is a comprehensive term for the emergence of a global society, a result of advances in communication, transportation, and information technologies. It describes the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural links between individuals, communities, businesses, and governments around the world.
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- Written by: Aisha Stacey
- Category: IN DEPTH
- Hits: 8431
Once we have left the tranquil confines of Al’haram and resumed our busy and often stressful lives, the closeness we felt to Allaah and the unity of Muslims that is palpable during ’Haj may have unfortunately quickly become a warm but distant memory.
Read more: In the Footsteps of Ibraheem: Sustaining the benefits of 'Haj
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- Written by: Ibrahim Babelli
- Category: IN DEPTH
- Hits: 11082
Read more: Slavery & Islaam: Why Was Slavery Not Abolished Outright?
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- Written by: Edwin Anthony
- Category: IN DEPTH
- Hits: 9090
That is why, for instance, there is a propensity to view the violence perpetrated by Transnational Militants simply as “terrorism” – which indicates a focus on its methods and effects – rather than transnationalism – which is a corollary of, and reaction to, the illogicality of the nation-state given the current advanced state of technology. The masses, in other words, do not possess the necessary concepts or the mindset to produce words that describe the phenomena in a cause-effect manner contextualised within a broad historical milieu because the nation-state is viewed as the only body from which any phenomena can come about or can have any meaning.
Read more: Islaamic Consciousness: Nationalism or Anti-nationalism? (Part 2/2)