For more than three thousand years, honey has been used to treat a variety of ailments through topical and oral application.

Assyrian relics, for examples, show that honey was used as a medicine, and similar medical usage was reported in ancient Egyptian annals, which stated that honey aids the healing process of wounds and in treating abdominal and urinal ailments, in addition to its use for ophthalmologic application.

Did you ask your self about the similarities between you and your father? Why your son has different colour eyes than yours and his mother’s and from where he got them? Ever wondered about the mystery behind transformation of special features through generations and how it could have occurred? Maybe in the 18th centaury and the beginning of the 19th centaury this would have been hard to discover, however now we have the keys of these confusing questions.

The common cold is a pouring guest on our health. All of us suffer from the common cold several times each year, especially in winter and during the period between seasons.  Because of the common cold we may have lost many days of work as it affects our activity, makes us lazy and tired.

It is time now to win your battle against the common cold. Let us know more about this pouring guest.

Green Pharmacy and Home Remedies for the Cold:

  • Eat fruits contain vitamin c as orange, lemon and strawberry.
  • Boil eucalyptus leaves and inhale its steam. It helps in clean airways.
  • Use sage gargle: make strong tea with handful of sage leaves add a little honey allow to cool then use it as a gargle.

Tonic for purifying the blood:
  • 2 oz (50gm) elder shoots
  • 2 oz (50gm) primrose flower and leaves
  • 1 oz (25gm) dandelion root
  • 1 oz (25gm) young nettle leaves